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    Trusted teacher
    I suggest you prepare for the patent and pass it without stress! As a teacher and school coach, I accompany all students to become autonomous in their learning for the Brevet. But be careful, you have to do it as early as possible in the year, because you will discover effective learning techniques that will allow you to succeed, but which require substantive work. I know the problem of students who start revising in the last weeks of the year and who realize the difficulties in memorizing all the lessons, methods and concepts. I have been supporting young people in preparing for the patent for 20 years. I noticed that those for whom I am called at the end of the year are stressed or demotivated in the face of the amount of work to prepare them Very often, when preparing for an exam in the last weeks of the year, without having effective strategies for learning, demotivation or stress take hold of students. Indeed, students, faced with their shortcomings in instructions, concepts or methods, fail to remedy them in a short time! Other young people fail to organize their reviews! Preparing for an exam in the last few weeks is often not the right solution, because the methods can only be acquired by having practiced and implemented them throughout the year. This is why I offer you individual support in preparing for the patent with an experienced teacher trained in coaching and learning strategies. During my sessions, I apply learning strategies that lead to success. I have been supporting young people for many years and those who prepare for the patent early enough in the year and who have effective learning strategies succeed better and gain in serenity and motivation! It takes work, method and organization, but it works! If you remain alone in the face of your difficulties, they will not stop increasing and at the end of the year, it will be impossible to overcome them! If you haven't acquired the methods, it's not in the last weeks of the year that you will be able to do it in depth to face the exam! Even if you pass this exam, which has a reputation for being easy to pass, without really preparing, you will not have effective learning strategies for more difficult exams. Moreover, if you are in difficulty, you certainly need a good coach to help you regain your self-confidence! Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! By preparing for the patent at the start of the year, you will have effective learning strategies allowing you to arrive on the day of the exam having acquired the methods of the exam and having reviewed the essential notions. Imagine, in a few weeks, you will be able to organize yourself to learn your lessons, memorize them, understand them, and revise them. You will effectively remedy your difficulties and you will deepen the concepts and methods necessary for the patent. The work you will do with me will allow you to save time afterwards in your revisions and in your homework by being more efficient. Don't waste time, don't wait until your grades are bad or you're completely lost to come and have someone accompany you! Acquiring solid skills and learning strategies requires hard work! I accompany you in video or face-to-face. I'll tell you soon!
    I suggest you succeed and progress in History-Geo! As a coach, I accompany all students to become autonomous in their learning in History-Geo. You will discover effective learning techniques. They are not complicated, but you have to apply them and stick to them. I know the problem of students who work regularly in History-Geo but who do not manage to succeed in the tests. Some, however, spend a lot of time learning their lesson. But they don't know how to learn a lesson. But there are strategies to learn effectively and to succeed! Very often, by learning a lesson without having clear strategies, all subjects, and in particular in History-Geo, demotivation, lack of self-confidence or stress seize students. Demotivation wins them over because some give up in front of the gaps to be filled. Bad grades lead to stress and a loss of confidence in one's ability to succeed! Once this vicious circle is established, it is very difficult to get out of it! Waiting for the gaps to accumulate is not the right solution, because going up the slope will be all the more difficult. Waiting until the end of the year to review the methods is often counterproductive, because you have to train actively to acquire them. This is why I offer you individual support in History-Geo with an experienced teacher trained in coaching and learning strategies. During my classes, I give you learning strategies that allow you to succeed. I have been accompanying young people for many years and those who start early enough in the year and have these learning strategies succeed better and gain in serenity and motivation. It takes work, method and organization, but it works! If you remain alone in the face of your difficulties, they will increase and at the end of the year, it will be impossible to overcome them! If you have not acquired certain methods, it is not, in the last weeks of the year, that you will succeed in them in depth! If you are in difficulty, you certainly need a good coach to help you regain your self-confidence! Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! By taking history-geo lessons, you will have strategies allowing you to learn your lessons effectively and pass your exams with serenity! Imagine, after a few weeks, you will have good grades on your report card, you will be more serene about your tests and you will have regained your self-confidence! Obviously, this is not the price of a student, but that of an experienced teacher trained in learning strategies and coaching. The work you will do with me will allow you to save time later by being more efficient. Don't waste time, don't wait until your grades are bad or you're completely lost to come and have someone accompany you! Acquiring solid skills and learning strategies requires hard work! I accompany you in video or face-to-face. I'll tell you soon!
    I suggest you succeed and progress in French! As a coach, I accompany all students to become autonomous in their learning and their mastery of French. You will discover effective learning techniques. They are not complicated, but you have to apply them and stick to them. I know the problem of students who regularly work on French, whether it be conjugation, grammar, spelling, studies or written expression, and who do not succeed in the tests. Some, however, spend a lot of time learning. But they don't know how to learn a lesson. But there are strategies to learn effectively and to succeed! Others fail to understand the meaning of the texts and the instructions. I have been helping students to strengthen these skills since I became a teacher, because it is a crucial skill. Very often, by learning without having effective strategies, demotivation, lack of self-confidence, stress take hold of students. Demotivation wins them over because some give up in front of the gaps to be filled. Bad grades lead to stress and a loss of confidence in one's ability to succeed! Once this vicious circle is established, it is very difficult to get out of it! Waiting for the gaps to accumulate is not the right solution, because going up the slope will be all the more difficult. Waiting until the end of the year to review the methods is often counterproductive, because you have to train actively to acquire them. This is why I offer you individual support in French with an experienced teacher trained in coaching and learning strategies. During my classes, I give you learning strategies that allow you to succeed. I have been accompanying young people for many years and those who start early enough in the year and have these learning strategies succeed better and gain in serenity and motivation. It takes work, method and organization, but it works! If you remain alone in the face of your difficulties, they will increase and at the end of the year, it will be impossible to overcome them! If you have not acquired certain methods, it is not, in the last weeks of the year, that you will succeed in them in depth! If you are in difficulty, you certainly need a good coach to help you regain your self-confidence! Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! By taking French lessons, you will have strategies allowing you to learn your lessons effectively and pass your exams with confidence! Imagine, after a few weeks, you will have good grades on your report card, you will be more serene about your tests and you will have regained your self-confidence! Obviously, this is not the price of a student, but that of an experienced teacher trained in learning strategies and coaching. The work you will do with me will allow you to save time later by being more efficient. Don't waste time, don't wait until your grades are bad or you're completely lost to come and have someone accompany you! Acquiring solid skills and learning strategies requires hard work! I accompany you in video or face-to-face. I'll tell you soon!
    I suggest that you prepare for the French baccalaureate and pass it without stress! As a teacher and school coach, I accompany all students to become autonomous in their learning for the French Baccalaureate. But be careful, you have to do it as early as possible in the year, because you will discover effective learning techniques that will allow you to succeed, but which require substantive work. I know the problem of students who start revising in the last weeks of the year and who realize the difficulties in memorizing all the lessons, methods and concepts. I have been accompanying young people in the preparation for the French baccalaureate for 20 years. I noticed that those for whom I am called at the end of the year are stressed or demotivated in the face of the amount of work to prepare them Very often, when preparing for an exam in the last weeks of the year, moreover, without having effective strategies for learning, students become demotivated or stressed. Indeed, students, faced with their shortcomings in instructions, concepts or methods, fail to remedy them in a short time! Other young people fail to organize their reviews! Preparing for an exam in the last few weeks is often not the right solution, because the methods can only be acquired by having practiced and implemented them throughout the year. This is why I offer you individual support in preparing for the patent with an experienced teacher trained in coaching and learning strategies. During my sessions, I apply learning strategies and techniques that lead to success. I have been accompanying young people for many years and those who prepare for the bac early in the year and who have effective learning strategies succeed better and gain in serenity and motivation for their exam! It takes work, method and organization, but it works! If you remain alone in the face of your difficulties, they will increase and at the end of the year, it will be impossible to overcome them! If you haven't acquired the methods, it's not in the last weeks of the year that you will be able to do it in depth to face the exam! Moreover, if you are in difficulty, you certainly need a good coach to help you regain your self-confidence! Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! By preparing for the bac from the beginning of the year, you will have effective learning strategies allowing you to arrive on the day of the exam having acquired the methods of the exam and having reviewed the essential notions. Imagine, in a few weeks, you will be able to organize yourself to learn your lessons, memorize them, understand them, and revise them. You will effectively remedy your difficulties and you will deepen the notions and methods necessary for the baccalaureate. You will become more independent in the preparation of your French baccalaureate. Obviously, this is not the price of a student, but that of an experienced teacher trained in learning strategies and coaching. The work you will do with me will allow you to save time afterwards in your revisions and in your homework by being more efficient. Don't waste time, don't wait until your grades are bad or you're completely lost to come and have someone accompany you! Acquiring solid skills and learning strategies requires hard work! I accompany you in video or face-to-face. I'll tell you soon!
    Why do some students succeed in school and others not? This success is not the result of chance... Students who succeed in school have developed learning strategies that lead them to success. They use the right mental operations to succeed. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! As a teacher and school coach, I accompany all students to become autonomous in their learning. Be careful, you have to do it as early as possible in the year, because you will discover effective learning techniques that will allow you to succeed, but which require substantive work. These techniques are not complicated, but you have to apply them and stick to them. I know the problem of students who work and fail to succeed despite their best efforts! A teacher for 20 years in a vocational high school in particular, I trained in coaching and learning strategies to manage to unlock these students. For students to succeed, they must use the appropriate mental operations and learning strategies to complete the required task. For these students to succeed, they must discover these strategies of understanding, memorization, reflection, but also how to be attentive and concentrated in class, how to organize themselves and manage their school work. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! If you learn without having clear methods and strategies, you can spend a lot of time on your homework, without your efforts being rewarded! Demotivation and loss of confidence can quickly win you over and bad grades multiply! If the gaps accumulate, you will have a bad image of yourself! The vicious circle sets in and often, in this case, many students lose the desire to learn and the motivation. Help with homework or tutoring with a student who is not trained in learning strategies will not allow you to change the situation in depth. You will not be more autonomous in your learning and you will still not know how to learn in the long term! That's why I offer you an accompaniment where you will learn how to do in your head to learn a lesson whether it is French, mathematics, history, geography, written expression. This support will allow you to become independent in your work and gain self-confidence. My support works because I apply it to myself currently, in particular for the preparation of my psychology degree or as part of my training in school coaching and learning strategies. Thanks to learning strategies, the child regains confidence in his abilities because he knows how to go about working. It takes work, method and organization, but it works! If you remain alone with your difficulties, they will continue to increase. You will continue to chain bad grades and many hours of work without it being productive! You will lose all motivation and self-confidence. If you are in difficulty, you certainly need a good coach to help you regain your self-confidence and to know where the difficulties come from and how to remedy them. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! Students who have not discovered strategies for themselves that allow them to understand, remember and reflect on a lesson need help to discover them. For these students to succeed, they must discover these strategies of understanding, memorization, reflection, but also how to be attentive and concentrated in class, how to organize themselves and manage their school work. By acquiring these methods and knowing where your difficulties come from, you will know what to do and you will have effective techniques to remedy them in the long term. Your grades will go up, you will regain your self-confidence, you will become independent in managing your homework and preparing for your exams! Imagine, by acquiring these strategies, your grades will go up, you will regain your self-confidence, you will become independent in managing your homework and preparing for your exams! In the evening, when you do your homework, you'll know how to do it! You will be able to work quickly and efficiently! Obviously, this is not the price of a student, but that of an experienced teacher trained in learning strategies and coaching. The work you will do with me will allow you to save time later by being more efficient in your homework. Don't waste time, don't wait for your grades to be bad or for you to be lost in one or more subjects to come and be accompanied! Acquiring solid exam skills and learning strategies takes hard work! But this work will allow you to have solid strategies for your entire schooling! I accompany you in video or face-to-face at my home or at your home according to your needs and your objectives. See you soon !

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