Trusted teacher
Trusted teacher
Are you sometime lost for words? Do you want to sound natural but the phrasal verb or idioms don't represent you? Do you feel that you want to express yourself with words that are simple and easy to remember? You have come to the right place. Let's build up your confidence and get you feeling at ease with the words personalised to who you are!!
You'll get over all of hesitation to speak about any subject or topic. Coaching people to build their confidence level from their past training in English has been my greatest strength. I customize sessions to your needs with a lot of role playing strategies that will allow you to express yourself where embarrassment will be a word of the past. All of my learners have gone on to change their jobs, felt confident to participate in meetings, conferences, post graduate programs, and in general conversation.

Reviews (1)

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Good-fit Instructor Guarantee

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Online reputation

  • Instructor since May 2020
  • 3 repeat students
  • Phone number verified
  • Google connected