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2 singing teachers in Kuala Lumpur

Hallo! Ich biete Gesangsunterricht für Oekraïensprahige Personen an !! Vermisst Du deine Heimat? Träumst Du davon, Romanzen, Hits der 80er Jahre, Deine Lieblingstexte und Lieder verschiedener Jahre zu singen? Jeder kann singen! Musiklehrer (Universität). Wenn Du davon träumst, zu singen und zu lernen, Deine Stimme zu kontrollieren und einen schönen Klang zu finden, dann lade ich Dich zum Gesangsunterricht ein! Erfahrung in Vocal Coaching - 13 Jahre - Ich arbeite mit Menschen jeden Könnens - das Alter von Studenten ab 14 Jahren und ohne Einschränkungen In meinem Unterricht wirst Du lernen: - Erwärmen von den Bändern mit geheimen Übungen - richtig atmen und Klang produzieren - Reinigen von Intonation und spüren des Rhythmus - Akzente setzen und den Klang pegeln -richtig mit Mikrofon arbeiten Online-Training, das Dir Zeit spart Ich werde gerne mit Dir meine Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse teilen !!! Доброго дня! Пропоную уроки зі співу/вокалу !! Ви сумуєте за батьківщиною? Мрієте співати романси, хіти 80-х, свою улюблену лірику та пісні різних років? СПІВАТИ МОЖЕ КОЖНИЙ Викладач із музичною освітою. Досвід репетиторства у якості тренера школи вокалу Наталії Могілевської,Школи вокалу Євгенії Власової та ін. Досвід роботи - 15 років Мрієте співати, і навчитися керувати своїм голосом, а також здобути гарне звучання, тоді я запрошую вас на уроки вокала! -займаюся з людьми будь-якого рівня підготовки -Возраст учнів від 14 років і без обмежень. На моїх уроках ви навчитеся: -розігрівати зв'язки за допомогою фірмових розспівок -правильно дихати та відтворювати звук -чисто інтонувати та відчувати ритм -розставляти акценти та вирівнювати звук -правильно працювати з мікрофоном -використовувати музичні прикраси Навчання онлайн, що заощадить ваш час. Буду рада ділитися з вами досвідом та знаннями! Здравствуйте! Предлагаю уроки пения/вокала ! Вы скучаете по родине? мечтаете петь романсы, хиты 80-х, свою любимую лирику и песни разных лет? ПEТЬ МОЖЕТ KАЖДЫЙ Преподаватель с музыкальным образованием (университет). Mечтaeтe пeть, и нaучиться управлять свoим голoсом, а также обреcти кpаcивoe звучание, тогда я приглaшaю вac на уроки вoкaлa! Опыт peпетиторства - 13 лeт -зaнимаюсь c людьми любогo уровня подготовки -вoзpаст учeников oт 14 лет и без oграничений На моих уроках вы научитесь: -разогревать связки при помощи фирменных распевок -правильно дышать и извлекать звук -чисто интонировать и чувствовать ритм -расставлять акценты и выравнивать звук -правильно работать с микрофоном Обучение онлайн, что сэкономит ваше время Буду рада делиться с вами опытом и знаниями!!! Hello! I offer singing/vocal lessons for Ukrainian speakers !! Do you miss your homeland? Do you dream of singing romances, hits of the 80s, your favorite lyrics and songs of different years? EVERYONE CAN SING !!! Music teacher with musical university education. If you dream to sing, and learn how to control your voice, as well as find a beautiful sound, then I invite you to vocal lessons! Experience in teaching - 13 years - I work with people of any skill level -the age of students from 14 years old and without restrictions In my lessons, you will learn: - warm-up the ligaments using branded chants - breathe correctly and make sound -clean intonation and feel the rhythm -power accents and level the sound -work correctly with the microphone Online training that will save you time I will be glad to share my experience and knowledge with you !!!
Singing · Voice (music)
Singing: I help you discover and develop your true vocal sound. I've adapted Classical voice techniques to modern pop and contemporary singing to make it effortless. I treat the voice as an instrument, and help you train it in a way that you have freedom to sing whatever genre and style you like. What to expect in a lesson: -Warmups (general vocal stretching, and some specifically targeting the weak points in your voice) -Sing me a song of your choice for me to evaluate and assess your specific weaknesses and address a vocal protocol for them. -We then break down the song into sections and address each issue head-on to find the right technical solution right away. -Solutions are effective, practical, and easy to use (especially with some practice). Songwriting: I walk you through the process of writing, how to turn your feelings into words and melody, and sometimes, I write it with you! The goal is to help you better express yourself. What to expect in a songwriting session: -We will have some personal chats so I can help you write something therapeutic (if that is how you would like to use songwriting, otherwise we can keep it light) -I will type out key words and phrases from our conversation. -We will then look over all the text, and start forming lyrics with whatever stands out and inspires you. -We will practice some improvisation, and learn some basic theory to assist with the writing. -Then I will guide you to putting everything together into a song. Artist Development: I work with you to help create a vision for your artist project, develop clarity of brand, musical identity, awareness of how to protect your music, and how to find purpose in your passion. What to expect with artist development and mentorship: -In this process, I will pretty-much become your friend. The better I know you and your interests, the better I can help you get on the right path. -I help you organize your ideas and thoughts -Ask you really reflective questions to identify key elements for your brand and artistry. -I advise you around the do's and dont's of the industry, networking, looking for team, choosing your producer, collaborators, how to set yourself up as an artist, etc
Singing · Song writing
Trusted teacher: Study SING!! ANCIENT ITALIAN SINGING TECHNIQUE!! bell singing style Legacy of teachers Manuel Vicente del Popolo García (Father), Gianni Sicardi and Susana Rossi. I teach the ancient Italian technique of singing. This works the elongation of the vocal cords in a healthy way, allowing from vocal freedom to achieve high and low frequencies very comfortably, dominating the chest voice, mix, head from the same position and developing the voice in a real way without exerting effort. . I also re-educate vocal cords with phonatory problems such as hoarseness, hiatus, nodules, fatigue (due to misuse of the voice) The technique is lyrical based but is also applied in popular styles. I have experience with children, adolescents and adults. I have a degree in music, lyrical singing, classical crossover, rock, soul, jazz, melodic, international, boleros, tangos, etc. I teach North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia. Oriented to singers, dancers, actors, speakers, and beginners. -Intended for all ages -Training for actors, singers and beginners -Coaching for auditions -Reeducation of voices with phonatory problems -Assorted styles. I teach both lyrical and popular. (Opera, Classical Crossover or Lyrical pop, canzonettas, Pop, Folk, Jazz, Soul, blues, Disco, Tango, Rock, etc). In Spanish, English, Italian, German. I give classes to Latin America, the United States, Europe, Asia, etc. It will work from the Ancient Italian Singing Technique, which Master Susana Rossi implemented in Argentina (Legacy of Manuel Vicente del Popolo García), through which the vocal cords are specifically trained. This training not only allows us to experience and connect with the position we had with our children's voice, but it is also possible to experience vocal freedom by releasing our maximum potential, without tensions or pressures, without imitations, and instead knowing our true color of voice and our own essence. Each voice is unique and unrepeatable, and in it is our imprint, our words, our own phrasing and our interior is reflected in it. This is why in addition to having a lyrical base, and being able to sing academic music and styles such as Classical Crossover, popular styles can also be approached, each one of them, in style, with the same technique.
Voice (music) · Singing · Baritone
Trusted teacher: Indian music is enjoying growing success with Western audiences. Because more and more artists are performing in our latitudes (especially in venues such as the Théâtre de la Ville, the Musée Guimet in Paris, etc.), and also because the discovery of music with a traditional system of learning arouses the interest of many people who would like to approach music differently; and there are many links between the Indian and Western tradition, due to the universal character of music but also to the fact that India has been able to preserve modes of transmission that have long since disappeared in the West, but which have nothing to envy in terms of efficiency. to modern methods. I propose learning the song of North India, in the dhrupad style, the oldest still transmitted today. Its advantage is that it offers a gradual approach to ragas (musical motifs that could be compared to modes), note by note, without the need for prior knowledge or talent as a virtuoso: the practice is based on the 'listen. Over the course of practice, it nevertheless makes it possible to acquire a great mastery of the voice. The lesson, which lasts one hour (half for children), takes place accompanied by the tampura, an instrument that gives the "drone" or fundamental/tonic note. It is from this persistent note that the student will learn to place his voice, to find the correctness of tone and timbre. This is done gently, the pace of learning adapting to that of the student. In addition, the achievements in this style of singing can always be useful later for other styles of music, even outside India, up to jazz and classical/baroque music. My apprenticeship was for twelve years with one of the 19th generation masters teaching this tradition, Ustad H. Sayeeduddin Dagar, belonging to the illustrious family which made this style and Indian music known in the West in the years 1960. It has now continued for four years with his nephew Ustad F. Wasifuddin Dagar. Lessons are private, or in weekly workshops in Paris near Bastille (see my website musicosophe[point]fr).
Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to present to you a new revolutionary method of vocal training – organic vocal. People who learn to sing and professional singers know how difficult it is to achieve free and natural sound. After many years of study and work it often remains a dream. Many singers find a way to make sound close to natural, however one can clearly hear that it is “made”, and it is not so beautiful as a true free sound. Moreover, the singer does not feel comfortable and, most importantly, cannot fully express his or her soul while singing. Organic vocal is a revolutionizing method that gives the dream result – a free sound flowing from the soul. Seeing how many talented singers are suffering and spend their lives in futile efforts, I started my research. On top of extensive knowledge and practice in vocal (I am a professional singer since early childhood), I also decided to study medicine in a medical university, with a focus on neurosurgery. This helped me to understand the functioning of the vocal instrument and its interrelationship with the nervous system. On top of this, I studied logopaedics, which helped me to connect all this with sound production. The result of many years of work is the organic vocal – a method of working with the human body in a way that results in a free, strong and beautiful sound. I have been teaching organic vocal for 8 years by now (2017). The method gives great results already after one lesson, with voice opening even for students who never sung. Over time, the body releases all tensions and the vocal instrument returns to its original condition as it was at the birth. All people get born with perfect vocal instrument, but it gets distorted due to stress, emotions etc. Organic vocal releases all these tensions and frees up the body, so that the person can freely express him/herself. The method of organic vocal consists of several major components/phases: 1.Freeing op of the body. At this stage all muscles of the body are being freed up, including articulation apparatus. All tensions that we accumulate during our life because of stress and bad emotions are stored in our muscles, which distorts their natural way of working. Organic vocal stimulates release of these tensions. 2.Freeing up of the nervous system. Here we remove blocks from the nervous system, so that it does not generate tension in the vocal instrument and muscles of the body. 3.Re-integration of muscular and nervous systems. Work on a new connection between the freed body and the freed nervous system, so that they rediscover the natural ways of joint work. At this stage the body recovers its regenerative functions, and the singer feels much better and freer. 4.Singing and music education. Once the sound is free, we start working on voice training, so that the singer can control the voice. Moreover, musicality is being opened up. Different people have different potential level of musicality, and organic vocal allows opening the full musical potential of a person. 5.Preparation for the stage. This includes choosing correct repertoire that underlines strengths and beauty of a particular voice. Then, study of music history, of all styles, and on its basis, development of correct music interpretation. I believe organic vocal will help bring the art of singing to a qualitatively different level and will help singing art to flourish. Singing is one of the most important things on the Earth. Because the beauty of the natural human voice brings us closer to the mystery of Divine, allows us to better connect to our nature and find the sense of life. Whether you are a professional singer or just a beginner and want to open the full potential of your voice and change your life, you are at the right place here. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Voice (music) · Singing
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